Empowering wellness through natural therapies and expert guidance.
Empowering wellness through natural therapies and expert guidance.
Discover natural therapies and wellness solutions at Reiki Zen, your trusted source for holistic medicine.
At Reiki Zen, we believe in a holistic approach to health and well-being. Our methods integrate mind, body, and spirit to promote balance and harmony in your life.
Here is a quick video to introduce myself, and how Reiki & reiki healing has helped me over the years. I knew that I had to become a reiki master to share this amazing healing energy.
If you have any queries or questions feel free to email me.
Why not sign up to hear more about special events, offers for Reiki and my other healing therapies.
Feel free to contact us with any inquiries you may have regarding your reiki healing or other therapy. We look forward to sharing the experience of healing with you.
Ian Robinson, a Reiki master is a member of the UK Reiki federation, and is fully insured to give reiki healing as well as all other modalities.
Click the link below to find out more about the UK Reiki federation, and the work they and it's members do for Reiki.